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Aritcle by

Kevin Cleary

Kevin Cleary has been a Health Products For You contributor for many years and has a degree in marketing. His health and wellness journey has a very personal meaning and has guided him in his content writing for HPFY.

In 2006, he sustained an injury while jumping on a trampoline with his son, severely injuring his neck and has been living as a quadriplegic since. His injury forced him to learn facets of the medical product field that he would otherwise not have known.

After several years of therapy, he has used many medical devices such as wheelchairs, standing frames, neuromuscular stimulators, as well as other rehab/therapy items that have helped him live life to the fullest. This hands-on insight has helped him with research and content creation. Kevin enjoys sampling cuisines from different countries, listening to music, watching sports and enjoying a glass of single malt scotch!

In a candid conversation with Linda Guerrera, HPFY's Digital Content Manager, Kevin opens up about his life-altering experience and its profound impact on him. Join us as we delve into his remarkable journey, where resilience, determination, and the power of the human spirit shine through. Click here to watch Kevin's Series, Paralyzed But Not Defeated.

Signaling Devices

Winter Safety 101

Kevin Cleary Dec 12, 2015

Winter weather can bring beautiful snow laden landscapes as well as playgrounds for sledding, ice-skating, and skiing. While that is the upside to a winter wonderland, having to go outside and deal with the snow and ice during our everyday lives can lead to some hidden dangers. But with some foresight and precaution we can survive the cold, dark months of winter safely and securely.

Hot And Cold Therapy

Dealing with Winters Aches and Pains

Kevin Cleary Dec 30, 2015

The cold, dark days of winter can stress our bodies and minds much differently than during the rest of the year. The cold weather can constrict muscles and make working or playing outdoors difficult. Whether it’s from shoveling snow or sledding in the backyard we sometimes need to find relief from winter’s aches and pains.


Let’s Keep Our Grandparents Safe

Kevin Cleary Jan 07, 2016

As we age we are not as agile or nimble as we used to be when we were teenagers. All it takes is one wrong step or slip and grandma may end up in the hospital. Preventing and avoiding falls (both inside and out) will give everyone a happy holiday season!!

Allergy Relief

How To Get Rid Of Dry Stuffy Nose

Kevin Cleary Jan 09, 2016

Cold winter months are notorious for low humidity and cold dry air and this can wreak havoc with our good friend the nose. We take our noses for granted sometimes. It’s not just something to detect foul odors or to enjoy the scent of a fragrant flower or even just hold up our sunglasses. So find out the solutions to let us breathe easily and avoid a red, sore snout.

Diaper Rash

Adult Diapers and Diaper Rash

Kevin Cleary Jan 30, 2016

The causes of incontinence can be plentiful, but the result can be discomfort, embarrassment, and even pain due to “diaper rash.” So, no matter what solution you choose to treat your diaper rash, the number one treatment method is diligence. Inspect your skin often and thoroughly and never delay dealing with any problems.


Protect Your Bed from Incontinence

Kevin Cleary Jan 30, 2016

The scourge of incontinence presents several dilemmas, the least of which is an increase in laundry. The cleaning of soiled linens can monopolize your time and eventually become a costly endeavor. By using underpads or chux, you can save your bed sheets, mattresses, and washing machines a lot of stress. Learn more about underpads and chux at HPFY.

Incontinence Guide

Managing Bariatric Incontinence

Kevin Cleary Feb 13, 2016

The scourge of incontinence knows no bounds. Men and women alike can suffer from this embarrassing disorder. Things become even worse when you are a bariatric patient. Finding what works for you may be a matter of trial and error or even a team effort with your doctor or nurse.

Perineal Skin Care

Cleaning and Protecting Perineal Skin

Kevin Cleary Feb 16, 2016

An important part of any incontinence skin care program is maintaining a clean perineal area. As it turns out, our skin does not like to be perpetually wet or moist but incontinence does just that. Adherence to a program dedicated to helping maintain dry skin can help those suffering from every level of incontinence, whether it’s just a leak to full loss of bladder control.


Protect Your Furniture from Incontinence

Kevin Cleary Feb 25, 2016

Incontinence doesn’t care when or where it may rear its ugly head. For those that suffer from this disorder there is always a measure of uncertainty and worry about it. Many people may hear of incontinence and think about only wetting your bed, but the worry extends to your home’s furniture as well as the bed.

Incontinence Alarm Devices

Head Incontinence off at the Pass

Kevin Cleary Mar 01, 2016

There is a multitude of ways to deal with incontinence. Most of them deal with incidents after they happen and their consequences on our skin. What if there was a way to minimize the effects of incontinence before they affect us? They say the best defense is a good offense, so being aggressive in treating this disorder can go a long way.

Post Mastectomy Swimwear

Don’t Let a Mastectomy Ruin Swimsuit Season

Kevin Cleary Mar 19, 2016

For women who may have had a mastectomy, the warm weather of summer and the onset of bathing suit season can create feelings of anxiety. It is common for women to have body image issues after such a daunting procedure as removing breast tissue.

Nebulizer Allergy Relief

Nebulizer for Allergies: A Comprehensive Guide

Kevin Cleary Mar 26, 2016

As we emerge from our winter cocoon to enjoy the warmer weather of spring, we are exposed to all sorts of allergens ranging from tree pollen to grasses.In order to overcome your allergies, your doctor may prescribe medication (in liquid form) that your nebulizer converts to a fine mist that is directly inhaled into your lungs.